Healthy Beauty By Bethany
Beast to Beautiful in Jesus: A Story of Conquering Severe Acne

My name is Bethany Montecalvo, and I’d like to share my testimony.
I have been called a Fierce Wellness Warrior, in which I give all glory to God!
In the past, I viewed women who smiled with confidence as having high self-esteem. The type that walks in the room with her carefree persona and flawless approach. I was looking at her through a cage, trying to get glimpses of light in between the bars that held me. I didn’t realize the true definition of self-esteem was knowing my identity in the Truth of Jesus Christ.
As a young girl, I yearned for such things but had no idea how to attain them. Praise God this isn’t where my story ends! In my childhood home, eating healthy was a can of green beans, salted corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes with butter! I watched my mom struggle with dieting, and I didn’t understand her battle because I was the one who could eat cake, pies, and fries without gaining a pound. Processed foods had my name all over them! It was not until I graduated high school that I began to experience abnormal skin breakouts called Cystic Acne. It causes severe physical and emotional pain and often leaves one's face unrecognizable. There is a drug treatment options, but the side effects are often unbearable. My symptoms progressed to the point that my face appeared to be deformed as if I had been in a car accident. It became tremendously painful at the slightest touch. Being a child of divorce along with this was a good recipe for rejection. As you can imagine, my pain was not just external, but internal as well. Rejection can propel us to our purpose. It can either make us bitter, or better. This condition encouraged me to become an Esthetician, and later a health coach. Even as my life was falling apart, I could counsel someone on healthy eating. Looking back, I wish I could have encouraged myself with the love of Jesus. Fast Forward. 5 years later, I’m doing makeup for local and national commercials, and big-budget movies. I worked with the stars ya’ll! I became a union makeup artist and felt confident I had arrived, but I also felt so empty. I drove beautiful cars, had a magnificent home, made excellent money, traveled anywhere I desired and yet, felt so dead inside. I reached a point of helplessness with my faith and my face. I remember calling out to God,” Why will you not take this away? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?” I had no quality of life, so I found myself asking God for direction. I lived in Pennsylvania, but I visited Florida monthly. I wanted to find a local church in Florida. I walked into a church and the double doors swung open for me: game over, I’m home. I felt it in my spirit. The Lord called me to be there, and I stayed for 5 years. Looking back, I know the Lord had to remove me so I could start my deliverance process. Hallelujah! I heard scriptures that said I can be free and live torment free. No one explained the application of The Word of God. No one told me I had to die to receive. Die to Bethany so The Holy Spirit could shine through me! I am a living testimony. I AM FREE! A captive no more but a friend of Jesus. He still heals, casts out demons and raises the dead.
The Lord had to move me to get me free.We all can be an active participant in our freedom. It’s called FreeWill Beauties.The Holy Spirit birthed this in me many years ago for a time such as this. God truly does input desires and dreams in us to meet another’s need. If you ask me what kind of woman I am now, I would say I am a perfectly imperfect, confident and beautiful. Striving each day to be a Proverb 31 woman in Christ. I am allowing the Lord to purify me daily, and I strive to be more and more like Jesus. My hearts desire is to build a safe community for women where they will be educated, empowered and set free in Jesus Name. I have learned so much and it is not mine to keep. My desire is to share this knowledge with you. When your free in Christ, beauty becomes something more then skin deep. I believe the Lord wants us to take care of our body and skin. Let us do everything unto Him. The Lord called me to teach beauty in the physical and also the spiritual realm.
With the Love of Christ,